I am home..
I'm home. They did take my drain out though WOOOHOOO.
Overall I'm kind of sore and just really groggy. They ended up keeping me an extra day because I had problems keeping anything down so I ended up having to have an upper gi and bowel study or something like that.
I did have a few complications, my surgery ended up lasting a bit longer than expected because they found some adhesions from my appendix being removed and one had been attached to my intestine or something like that. I don't really know what the extent of it was because Richard explained it to me.
After surgery I ended up not being able to stabilize my oxygen and they were having a hard time keeping it over 70.
Also I kept blowing my IV's every time they put one in or moved it soo they ended up having to do a PICC line in and even sent me home with it, in case I get dehydrated or anything because they couldnt get a vein. (A PICC line is a more recent development using a line which is inserted into one of the large veins in the arm (usually near the bend of the elbow) from where it is threaded into the superior vena cava. The initials PICC stand for peripherally inserted central catheter.)
Overall today I am feeling a little bit better. I am wearing a binder. I have 6-7 small incisions on my tummy and I've been able to hold down my fluids and a little bit of food. :) My hemaglobin is already acting up a little bit more also (yesterday it was down to 8.5)
I ended up walking 4 miles in the hospital in the last couple days.
Also I met up with Brandi (bkeith) and Amanda (Chesirecat) and also Jenn :)
Thanks sooo much to Floyd and Brenda for visiting and bring me the basket of goodies! You are awesome.
Also big thanks to all of you for your prayers :)
Glad you are home gal and surgery is behind you! REST REST REST and SIP SIP SIP....everything now is FORWARD HO!!!!!!!
I can't wait to be on the same side as you!
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
I'm trying soo hard to sip and sip.
I did 4 miles 2 am tuesday night/wednesday morning til i was released today.
I'm very very nauseated though and I am having a hard time getting much in. Right now I'm struggling to get this applesauce in and ive only eaten a half ounce of it.
Also if anyone can suggest a home health agency that is familiar with PICC lines please do. St V's hooked me up with an agency who called me and told me they don't do anything in my area and I don't want to take a chance of mine getting infected.